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ESS Time Entry Billing

Integration to JIWA Financials allows the system to do the following:

  1. Create sales orders in JIWA for approved and billable marked time entries.
  2. Send e-mail alerts for sales orders created in JIWA. See figure 1 below.
  3. Automatically create debtors in JIWA if it does not exists.

The following configurations and setup are required for this integration:


1. Configuration Menu

  1. FMIS Database Name  - FMIS Database is the JIWA database.
  2. FMIS Location - FMIS location is the location in JIWA.
  3. FMIS Server Name - Server Name is the server on which the database is hosted. If the database and server is on the same machine leave server name blank.
  4. FMIS System - FMIS System is the Financial system that is JIWA.
  5. JIWA Automatic Billing Enabled (Y/N) - JIWA Automatic Billing should be set as 'Y' to allow integration.
  6. JIWA Automatic Billing PartNo - JIWA Automatic Billing PartNo is the product ID for a non-inventory item.

2. Processes Menu

Enable the following process under Processes in ESS online:

  1. ESS JIWA Billing

3. Customer Maintenance

  1. Customers are linked to JIWA by using the Code to JIWA.AlternateAccount mapping. Customer code in ESS and JIWA should be the same. See code highlighted in figure 2 below.


Figure 1: Sample JIWA billing alert.